Aminotop Ultra

Aminotop Ultra is a biostimulant formulated with vegetal amino acids, Potassium sulphate, humic substances and algae/seaweed extract.


  • supports the maintenance, growth, vitality and reproduction of plants;
  • gives plants more energy and stamina, for an improved plant and produces color, bigger leaves, longer roots, more flowers, more and/or bigger fruit and an overall healthier crop;
  • plays a very important role in the formation of proteins and for flowering and allows the formation of sugars resulting in a quality production;
  • contributes to the reduction of plant transpiration, which increases drought resistance;
  • strengthens the cell membranes, increases the resistance of the plant against lying on the ground, diseases and parasites;
  • contributes to improved plant development, more abundant growth and a greener color, increased production and better grain quality.

Product content

  • Potassium sulphate
  • Vegetal amino acids
  • Humic and fulvic acids
  • Seaweed extract


Dilute the product in 200-400 L of water per hectare, foliar application with the use of specific equipment and techniques.

Crops: Sunflower, Corn, Wheat, Rapeseed, Soy.

Dosage and recommendations: 1 L/ha, 2-3 treatments.

Read the LABEL carefully for complete application instructions.

Potassium sulphate

Vegetal amino acids

Humic and fulvic acids

Seaweed extract